Parents often experience just how much impact packaging can have when their kids are faced with the targeted merchandising at the supermarket checkout display: Bright colours, cartoon heroes, collectible games and tempting product images inevitably spark an immediate “I-want-it” effect. And to be honest, even we as grown-ups aren’t entirely immune to the appeal of a well-designed package. But the fact that the lunch-to-go is still tasty after being carried through the rain and the second chocolate bar is still appetising after the long walk home – also reflects the merit of good product packaging. Given the daily flow of goods in our society, perishable and fragile products in particular are unthinkable without protective packaging made of plastic, cardboard, paper, metal or wood.

On the other hand, even children of pre-school age experience the adverse impact of the packaging industry through their daily exposure to waste separation and news about plastic waste in the sea. Those who delve a little more deeply into the topic recognise the problems of wasted resources, insufficient material cycles and economical recycling. This is why packaging machine manufacturer Schubert is committed to supporting its customers with technology and expertise on their journey towards a sustainable packaging world – as part of its Mission Blue Sustainability Initiative. And how exciting will it be to see what answers today’s kids have to the challenges of the Future of Packaging with their tremendous creativity and freedom of thought! Away from any political and social constraints, they are bound to explore unimagined worlds, boldly using their inventive spirit and coming up with fantastic ideas. This is why Schubert and the Hohenloher Tagblatt newspaper have jointly launched a drawing contest for kids between the ages of 6 and 12.

There are two categories to choose from in the painting contest: “What does the Future of Packaging look like?” and “How can packaging waste be avoided?” And anything that the young artists can think of can be put onto paper. There are no limits to the imagination in this contest: Crayons, felt pens, sharpies, paint brushes or coloured pencils can be used on any type or size of paper or board. The works of art will be judged by a small jury of art experts, members of the Schubert family and the newspaper editors. There will be great prizes for the best ten submissions – and the prizes will be revealed on 20.12.2023 at the Schubert company. This will be an opportunity to take a look behind the scenes and experience packaging machines first-hand. The winners who are unable to attend the event will of course be sent the prize.
We at Schubert are very excited about the many creative designs to come. And we’re looking forward to many submissions!
Conditions for participation
Organiser: Gerhard Schubert GmbH and the Hohenloher Tagblatt newspaper
Participation: 6-8 years or 9-12 years, 5 prizes per age group
Completed submissions, including privacy policy and consent from a parent or guardian, should be sent by e-mail to:
Link to the entry documents:
Closing date: 23.11.2023
Winners will be informed by e-mail and announced via the usual Schubert channels as well as in the Hohenloher Tagblatt (printed and online). A selection of the images will be presented.