Unbureaucratic solutions for job changes
For the Schubert family business, employees are a top priority. They are not only decisive for the innovation leader’s long-term success, but they also shape the company as a whole. Respectful interaction, honesty and team spirit are important values that not only exist on paper, but that are lived every day. Marcel Kiessling, Managing Director of Gerhard Schubert GmbH, explains: “It is key to our philosophy and identity that we not only expect loyalty from our employees, but that we ourselves find unbureaucratic solutions when employees want or need to change positions. We are delighted that Johannes Schubert is taking over as Head of Sales at Gerhard Schubert and that Martin Sauter, who is relinquishing this position for health reasons, will remain with the company.”

Johannes Schubert (left) took over the role of Head of Sales at Gerhard Schubert GmbH from Martin Sauter (right) Middle: Marcel Kiessling, Managing Director of Gerhard Schubert GmbH.
Head of Sales: additional responsibility within the Schubert Group
Johannes Schubert, grandson of company founder Gerhard Schubert and Gerald Schubert’s son, has held many interesting positions despite his young age. He initially trained as an industrial mechanic at the Crailsheim headquarters before working as a Project Manager in Sales after his apprenticeship and taking on responsibility for several major international projects. A two-year overseas assignment at Schubert’s subsidiary in Charlotte, North Carolina, also contributed to his wide-ranging experience. Back in Germany, as Product Manager, he played a key role in the development of the successful Flowmodul for packaging products into flowpacks and ensured a smooth market launch. In mid-2021, Johannes Schubert joined Schubert Packaging Systems as Managing Director and has since also been responsible for Sales at Schubert-Turnkey and Schubert-Pharma. With immediate effect, he is taking on his new additional role of Head of Sales at Gerhard Schubert GmbH and will be appointed an authorised signatory in this function. Johannes Schubert on his new position: “As always, when I have completed a change of position within the Schubert Group, I look forward to my new responsibilities with enthusiasm. In my new role as Head of Sales, I will continue to consistently drive forward our position as market and technology leader. That being said, I have big shoes to fill. Martin Sauter has done an outstanding job.”
Martin Sauter: Move to Schubert Packaging Systems
Martin Sauter also looks back on a professional background in various positions of responsibility. From 2000 to 2011, the trained wholesale and foreign trade specialist worked in sales at Schubert subsidiary International Packaging Systems GmbH, now Schubert Packaging Systems GmbH, including as Sales Manager from 2005 to 2011. Since June 2018, he has held the position of Head of Sales for Gerhard Schubert GmbH, which he is now relinquishing for health reasons. On 19 March this year, he moved to Schubert Packaging Systems, where he works as a Turnkey Sales Representative. Martin Sauter on the change: “I put my heart and soul into my previous position. But sometimes life forces you to make a slight change of direction. I am very grateful for the opportunity to continue working at Schubert. I am looking forward to my new challenges and will carry them out with just as much passion as in the past.”
Managing Director Marcel Kiessling on the organisational change: “We would like to thank Martin Sauter for six successful years as Head of Sales, during which he made a significant contribution to the growth of the Schubert Group with great commitment and enthusiasm. We wish him the best of health and are delighted that he will continue working with us. As Head of Sales at Gerhard Schubert GmbH and as a representative of the Schubert family’s third generation, Johannes Schubert is taking on additional responsibility for the ongoing successful development of the Schubert Group. We wish him every success and, of course, lots of fun in this new role!”